Training Council & DfI Roads Staff
For the three years of the project before or soon after the grass cutting season started a short training session was held in each of the Council and Dfi Roads depos with the grass cutters.
The training covered the aims of the project, the sites included, some invasive alien species identification and handouts were given including relevant maps of the project sites, copies of the 2 types of signs and invasive species identification sheets.
These were informal sessions and questions were encouraged. Recurring themes in the first year or two included: concern for their jobs if cutting less; site would look untidy if untidy and abandoned. It proved useful to show images of how the sites were progressing. By year 2 and 3 they were reassured that they still had jobs and were seeing the flowers return to the sites, and although some were still sceptical others were beginning to suggest new potential sites.
For more information see the training summary below: