Our Volunteers
Volunteers are an integral part of the DMLIG project and their dedication and enthusiasm is the reason that this project has been so successful. The volunteers continue to support this project, now the funded phase has come to a close, and will help it continue to develop and grow.
From the project inception creating a core of volunteers to support the project in every aspect of development and delivery was paramount. DMLIG has a core of over 40 volunteers, with others that help as and when they can. The volunteers and project partners ‘in-kind’ contribution amounts to a staggering £230,000 plus!
The volunteers were recruited through a wide variety of ways including the project website and Facebook page, at events and talks. There were roles to suit everyone’s interests, ability and time availability, including surveyors, photographers, event helpers, etc.
Training and support were provided to all volunteers. Unfortunately due to organisational restraints the project was unable to provide expenses, however where possible equipment was provided such as wildflower identification books and hand lenses, celebration events, and promotional goodies.
The volunteers not only supported the day to day activities but were also the best advocate for the project, sharing their own passion and enthusiasm for DMLIG with their family, friends and the wider community. Helping to spread the message and understanding of the project far and wide, this level of engagement couldn’t have been achieved by the project partners alone.
If you are interested in volunteering for the project, please contact Rachel Bain, Project Manager (Biodiversity Officer): rachel.bain@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk